Questions Commonly Asked

What areas of speech and language do you treat?

There are so many aspects of speech and language development.  The parts that I typically treat include:

  • receptive language delays:  these arise when there is difficulty understanding what is being said)
  • expressive language delays:  these involve problems with actually using the odds and ends of language
  • articulation delay/disorder: this is when the child has difficulty with individual sounds in words and is often hard to understand

Do you only treat typically developing children?

NO!  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  I do see typically developing children but I also see children with a variety of diagnoses.

Where do you see your patients?

I am able to see patients at their school, preschool, or daycare.  I can also see children in their home (travel time permitting).  This is something we can discuss so that we find what will work best for your family.

Do you accept most major insurance?

Unfortunately, I do not accept insurance.  However, I am more than willing to provide you with any documentation, invoices, or receipts you might need to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.  Many insurance companies do not cover speech and language disorders so check with your insurer.  Many families use their Flexible Spending Accounts or Health Spending Accounts to pay for services when their insurance does not cover them.

I think my child might need to see a speech therapist…what do I do first?

The first step we would take is to have a discussion about what it is that is causing you or your pediatrician concern in regards to your child’s development.  Should it be decided that more information needs to be gathered, a formal evaluation can be set up.  This testing will tell us if your child is in need of speech therapy or if they are developing their skills appropriately.

What do your sessions involve?

I believe that your child will progress quicker if he or she enjoys our sessions.  As a result, I use a very “play-based” approach, meaning I will incorporate activities that your child will actually WANT to do such as games and puzzles.  If your child leaves a session happy, he or she will be eager to participate in our next session and therefore, progress will come sooner.

How will I know what to work on at home if you see my child at his/her school?

If it is decided that your child will be seen at his/her school, I will contact you after each session to give you details as to what was worked on, goals that were targeted, and what I would like for you to practice with your child at home.  This can be done via email or over the phone.  Good parent follow through at home will ensure faster progress so this communication is essential.

How do I find out more or set up an appointment?

Call us at (615) 497-0504 or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!