Our Services

Speech and Language Evaluations $200

With children’s speech and language skills varying so broadly from child to child, it is often difficult for parents and teachers to determine whether a child is delayed.  Questions might include:

  • Does my child talk enough or have enough words for his/her age?
  • Should my child be putting more words together in sentences?
  • Is it normal that my child is difficult to understand?
  • Should my child be able to follow directions better than he/she does?
  • Why doesn’t my child understand what I am telling him/her to do?

A speech and language evaluation will provide the answers you are looking for as a parent.  Standardized tests are completed and scored in order to determine your child’s strengths and weaknesses in regards to speech and language development.

The following areas will be examined:

  • Receptive Language: how well your child UNDERSTANDS language, follows directions, comprehends concepts, etc.
  • Expressive Language: how well your child USES the ins and outs of our language (i.e. how well he/she formulates phrases or sentences, vocabulary size, use of plurals, use of pronouns, etc.)
  • Articulation skills: how well your child makes each individual sound in our language (i.e. how well your child articulates sounds to make his/her thoughts understood)

Testing can be completed in your home, at your child’s school or at the Cochran Therapies, LLC home office located off Franklin Road in Brentwood.


Articulation Testing $125

Often times, there are no concerns about a child’s receptive and expressive language skills but certain sounds the child makes seem to be impeding the child’s ability to be understood.  When this is the case, standardized testing can be performed in order to determine if an articulation delay/disorder is present.


Individual Therapy Sessions ($60 for 30 min sessions and $90 for 50 min sessions)

If testing reveals that your child would benefit from speech and language therapy, weekly therapy sessions can be scheduled.  Cochran Therapies, LLC offers both 30 minute and 50 minute sessions in order to meet individual needs.  As with the evaluations, these sessions can be held at your home, in your child’s school or at a mutually convenient location such as the library. If you are outside the Nashville area and your child is an appropriate candidate, online/interactive sessions can be scheduled.